Immersive experience

Inside Van Gogh

Inside Van Gogh, at the Cattedrale dell’Immagine, presents the new immersive multimedia show, created by Crossmedia and directed by Stefano Fake.

A 35-minute digital narrative developed through 360° multiprojection of high-definition images and the Dolby HD audio diffusion of a captivating soundtrack.

This production aims to emotionally engage the audience in the complex human and artistic story of Vincent van Gogh, one of the most famous and beloved artists of all time.

The multimedia experience is enriched by an educational introductory section with infographics and monitors, Oculus stations for experiencing the 3D virtual reality journey inside some famous paintings, and the immersive ‘hall of mirrors,’ an enveloping kaleidoscope of images located within the immersive hall.

Official Trailer Inside Van Gogh



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